
At ALD & Associates we had an unparalleled year of growth and positive impact in 2023. We’ve been doing all types of work and assisting in the DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) space long enough to see real change and progress being made and it has been our greatest honor to be a part of that. But progress can’t stop here. In fact, our work is more important than ever, so we’d like to invite you to be a part of our plans for growth in 2024.

Our biggest plan for the new year is strategic growth and here is how we plan to make that goal a reality:

Diversifying Partnerships and Expanding Prospective Clients

A cornerstone of our growth strategy is the diversification of partnerships and the expansion of our client base. By forging new alliances with organizations that share our commitment to DEIA, we aim to create a community—and to amplify our tenets of inclusion, diversity, and unity. Through targeted outreach and marketing efforts, ALD & Associates seeks to find our people because we know that our company growth means the growth of the impact we can have.

Contributing to Thought Leadership

Another pivotal aspect of ALD & Associates’ strategy is our commitment to thought leadership—both within and outside of our organization. We recognize that change and influence require us to stay ahead of the curve, so we plan to keep our finger on the pulse as we invest in research that informs our offerings and practices. We are committed to continuous learning, research, and development, ensuring that we grow along with this amazing industry. We live in a world of constant innovation and movement so we remain committed to ensuring that vital DEIA practices and values don’t get left in the dust. That’s one of the reasons we also plan to identify emerging trends, issues, as well as cutting-edge solutions.

Increasing the Volume of Work of Core Offerings and Services

ALD & Associates is dedicated to increasing the volume of the work we do with our core offerings and services. These programs and trainings are tried and true, featuring accessible implementation strategies, interactive thought exercises, and much more. We want to make sure our foundation remains strong as we explore new aspects of an evolving industry. By continuously refining and enhancing our existing programs—while still growing and exploring—we ensure that our growth is strategic.

Expanding Streams of Revenue

We recognize that strategic growth requires the diversification of our revenue streams. To achieve this, we plan to actively pursue Requests for Proposals (RFPs), grants, cooperative agreements, retainers, and office hours. By strategically navigating additional funding channels, we ensure that our work can become more accessible. For years, we have demonstrated our commitment to giving back to our community, to those who are underrepresented and those with limited resources. Growing streams of diversified and reliable revenue means that we have room for expansion as well as the funds to make our work accessible to all. It’s a win-win!

We know our plans for 2024 are ambitious but they’re also well-measured. As always, our goals reflect our unwavering commitment to advancing DEIA and leadership principles in the corporate world (and beyond). Through navigating our strategic plan for 2024, we are poised to make a lasting impact on the organizations we serve, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable future for all.